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Welcome to "Join Us At The Table" - Sermon Resources at Harderwyk Ministries


I remember COVID-19 arriving and suddenly, we were left scrambling with exactly how to go about "doing ministry" - especially preaching -  in entirely new circumstances.  I'll be forever thankful for the Harderwyk team, especially fellow preachers Aaron VanderVeen and Luke Carrig, as we began to prayerfully figure out our next steps.

Along the way, the three of us did a weekly video "Table Talk" where we gathered together to talk through a particular text.  It was probably the first time that everyone connected to Harderwyk and our three distinct "Worshiping Communities" ever got to see our "sermon collaboration process" in a practical and ongoing way.  Circumstances moved us on, but for that season our people got to see three preachers study, reflect and consider together in a way that made each of us stronger as we prepared to preach the same text.

It is with the benefit of that experience in mind, that we have started this new Harderwyk blog: "Join Us At The Table."  Our goal is for this to be a weekly repository of sermon resources connected to our collaborative sermon preparation process.  Expect to see quotations, links to podcasts, blogs or magazines, references made in a sermon, resources for digging deeper or just about anything else that we want to make available related to that Sunday. 

Especially, if we don't get to spend a lot of time with a thought or question presented in the text.  Think of it as digging through some of the things that never made it to the final edit of the movie, but that can be found on the "Cutting Room Floor."

Typically, we will connect each item with the "preacher of source" so you can even follow up from there.  Feel free to send us feedback, requests, additional questions or restaurant recommendations using the comment section.

-- Posted by Pastor Bill Lindner - Harderwyk - Celebration Campus Pastor


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